Coaching, Lifestyle | 30 May 2016

5 Simple Principles for Quality Communication

Communication is that abstract thing that is all around us; a verb that has been turned into a noun. We communication through signs, movement, words, emotions – sometimes we communicate well, sometimes not so well.  Even animals communicate.  Here are 5 simple principles that will enhance your communication. 1. Understand that everything is communication. In…

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Coaching | 22 February 2016

Frame That Conversation For Success

Frame that Conversation for Success Have you ever been in a conversation where it seems to be going nowhere?  Both parties are almost stuck in their own track with little chance of progress. By changing a frame the conversation can move.  Let me explain what I mean by “frame” first. A frame refers to how…

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Coaching | 11 December 2015

“You are undoubtedly the worst pirate I have ever heard of!”

These are the words of Captain Norrington to Captain Jack Sparrow in the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie.  Captain Jack Sparrow responds “Ah.  But you have heard of me.” The response by Sparrow is called a “reframe”. It is human nature to search for meaning; it is part of the way we make sense…

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Coaching | 19 June 2014

Circle of Excellence – enabling you to prepare for success

Have you ever been about to do something, say a business meeting, public speaking, visit the dentist and felt nervous or a lack of confidence?  Here is a quick little technique you can do to change your undesired feeling into something more resourceful and prepare yourself for success in that event. Before we start, just…

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